Feed And Grow Fish Having Babies

You can eat small tasty shrimps too – especially helpful for little „baby“ fish To eat, open your mouth (hold Right Mouse button) and swim through food. To attack / bite, open your mouth (hold Left Mouse button) and close it (release button) in front of something killable. Sep 21, 2020 Baby platy fish do not require different food from adults. You can feed them the same pellets or flakes that you feed the adults, as well as freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, and brine shrimp. Feed the fish small amounts several times a day, about as much food as they can eat in three minutes. Many people get confused on how to proporly raise children and gain SURVIVAL coins. This guide will show you the ins and outs pf being a parent fish. BEGININGS: when you first start out in the world as a baby, your first priority is to find food and to get to level three. Do NOT go hunting other fish like so many people are used to doing, this proccess will take too long and you will starve to.

Mollies don’t have any parenting habits so parent molly does not protect their Fry Mollies. Even their own mother can eat babies, so they need much care in order to survive.

Female mollies give birth to babies or young ones that are called so “molly fry”. These babies are just like the adult molly but small in size, Tiny version of adult fish. So after birth, these babies need proper care, living space, and special food. So the special care needs things listed below:

  • Fish Food
  • Small Fishtank setup
  • Prevention from diseases


  • Fry Molly Grown Up to Adult Mollies

Fry Mollies Food:

Fry Mollies do not require a special diet plan. They can eat that food adult mollies eat but it’s better to provide them food to be crushed in powder form than usual so they can easily eat them.

Because they have a very small mouth. the fry fish mouth is smaller than a grain of food. Meaty food like brine shrimps, glass worms, blood worms, and black worms will allow the fry fishes to grow quickly and become healthier but in chopped form. Feed them branded food to achieve the best growth, size, and color patterns in it.

This doesn’t mean that fry mollies are not born with definite colors and shapes but the proper food only enhances the beauty and growth of mollies.

Related: Ultimate Guide About Molly Fish Diet & Feeding

Tank setup for babies:

As you know now that parent mollies do not care for their babies. Fry fish could not live more life in a big tank with adult mollies because they eat them all in a short period. So for the survival of newly hatched babies, we separate them in a small tank with the same conditions as water parameters, temperature, and food. If you need more fishes in your aquarium after some period of time.

Feed And Grow Fish Having Babies Naturally

This tank setup is also helped a lot a pregnant molly to survive well in such critical conditions. After birth, we separate that female again in the parent tank.

Another way to save fry mollies can be achieved by providing them space to hide. Add as many as real or artificial plants in the aquarium or tank. Plants having longer leaves that float up to the top of the aquarium are much better in providing space for the fry mollies to hide.

Prevention from diseases:

As you know that air consists of many microorganisms that harm other living organisms. So they also try to enter in water or you can say that some parasites or fungi like microbes are always present in water. Our ultimate goal is to save babies of our fish to grow them into adults.

Babies have less immunity to diseases and environmental changes. We use different chemicals to maintain habitat and keep them safe. One of them is methylene blue. As we know fungus is the main reason for death in mollies

So I have also written a piece of content on it to save your fry babies 🙂

Fry Molly Grown Up to Adult Mollies

Just after 4 months, fry mollies completely change to adult fish. They do not get specific colors while during this time span they acquire the major color variations and shapes. They can get beautiful colors due to quality food and good habitat.

Read also:


The maximum size of an adult molly is approximately 6 inches while this size may vary from species to species. The average size of molly fish is about 2 to 4 inches.


Babies usually don’t have bold and specifically defined colors after birth but they will acquire their specific color combinations after reaching their adulthood. The color variations mollies usually have white, black and orange as their three primitive colors and all the other color combination coming out are from these three.

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Getting angelfish to breed may sometimes feel like an impossibly difficult task, but once breeding is successful, keeping the fry alive and raising angelfish babies comes with another set of challenges.

Knowing the best food for angelfish fry, and how to feed angelfish babies can go a long way in ensuring their healthy and rapid development.

Angelfish fry have different dietary and nutritional requirements compared to an adult angelfish, therefore, it’s important to feed angelfish juveniles with age-appropriate foods.

If it’s your first time caring for angelfish babies, I will get you up to speed with the most important aspects of feeding angelfish fry.

What Do Angelfish Babies Eat?

As opposed to the fry of livebearers that are large enough to eat commercial flake foods as soon as they hatch, the fry of angelfish needs some time until they can be put on regular flake foods.

As a result, angelfish babies eat different foods in different stages of their development, therefore, it’s important to know which foods you can give angelfish babies in each stage of their development.

When they hatch, angelfish babies won’t immediately swim around in the tank, but remain in a wiggler stage, still attached to the spawning site feeding on their egg yolks.

Once the egg yolks start to absorb, the wigglers detach from the spawning site and become independent swimmers.

In the first two days as swimmers, angelfish babies will still feed on some of their remaining yolk sack.

After this stage feeding baby angelfish becomes extremely important for their survival. Baby angelfish need to learn how to eat, therefore, moving foods are the best foods to get their attention.

Cultured Foods

Here’s the types of baby angelfish foods you can culture at home when feeding small angelfish fry:

1. Infusoria

Fish having babies

Freshly hatched angelfish have tiny bodies, but their nutritional requirements are high. Therefore, even though they can’t take regular food, the still need nutrients otherwise they’ll starve to death quite easily.

Infusoria is a type of cultured fry food that can be naturally available in planted aquariums, however, their quantity may not be enough for the fry.

They’re essentially small microorganisms that the fry can feed on. To make sure there’s an adequate amount of infusoria in the tank, you can grow your own infusoria culture.

Home culturing infusoria is easy and it can help angelfish babies to subsist on it until they can take other foods like brine shrimp or micro worms.

To make infusoria at home, simply take some aquarium water since that already has some naturally occurring microorganisms in it and add some nutrients to it.

Nutrient materials suitable for jump-starting your culture include:

  • Blanched or dried lettuce or spinach;
  • Wheat;
  • Hay;
  • Commercial nutrient Liquifry;
  • Banana peel;
  • Yeast, etc.

Some infusoria species can be toxic, so it’s important to carefully source your materials or promote the growth of healthy infusoria species.

Add the nutrient to the aquarium water and let the mix sit in the sunlight a few days until the water turns cloudy. Sometimes infusoria can be seen moving with the naked eye.

Siphon some of the cloudy water and add it to the aquarium as a tasty meal for your angelfish fry. Small fry require frequent feedings of infusoria.

2. Newly Hatched Brine Shrimp

Freshly hatched brine shrimp is a highly nutritious food option when feeding baby angelfish. In fact, brine shrimp is an extremely appealing food option for nearly all fish species.

While they’re still tiny, angelfish can only eat freshly hatched brine shrimp, because baby brine shrimps are small enough (0.08 to 0.12 millimeter) for the angelfish fry to feed on.

This is why you should order brine shrimp eggs and hatch them yourself, so you can feed them to your angelfish while they’re still fresh and new.

Some aquarium suppliers sell brine shrimp hatch and feed setups that offer a constant supply of freshly hatched brine shrimp to your angelfish.

Alternatively, if you can’t hatch brine shrimp yourself, you can use commercially prepared live brine shrimp preparation or offer your angelfish freeze-dried baby brine shrimp.

Be advised, however, that these options are inferior to newly hatched brine shrimp and frozen or commercial options can rarely rival the nutritional value of freshly hatched brine shrimp.

To set up a brine shrimp hatchery, you’ll need the following equipment and ingredients:

  • 1-quart or larger jar of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of sea salt per quart;
  • 17 ounces of brine shrimp eggs/quart;
  • Fish tank pump & airline tubing.

If you’re thinking of hatching brine shrimp at home, you can do so easily as eggs hatch in 24 to 48 hours. You can siphon them out of the hatchery and feed them to your angelfish babies.

3. Vinegar Eels

Vinegar eels are another great cultured food option when feeding small angelfish fry. They’re easy to keep and they’re ready for harvest in about two weeks.

Despite their names, vinegar eels aren’t actually eels, they’re a non-parasitic roundworm, which angelfish babies will readily eat as part of their diet until they can accept flake foods.

Feed And Grow Fish Free Download

Besides their small dimensions (0.04 to 2 millimeters in length and 0.10 millimeter in diameter), another advantage of cultured vinegar eels is that they can live up to 24 hours in the aquarium.

This means they’ll feed angelfish fry throughout the day without fouling the water as quickly as other food sources do.

Here’s what to do to create your own culture of vinegar eels:

  • Add pure apple cider vinegar (no additives) into a jar (fill it half way);
  • Fill the remainder with reverse osmosis water or distilled water;
  • Add a couple of pinches of sugar or some apple slices;
  • Add the vinegar eel culture.

It takes about two weeks for the vinegar eels to appear. While culturing eels is a piece of cake, harvesting them can be a bit difficult.

Vinegar eels live in an acidic environment that’s toxic for your fish, so it’s important to remove the eels from the vinegar, however, since they’re so tiny, the process of harvesting them is tricky.

You can buy a small screen that will allow vinegar to pass through but not the eels, which you can then wash off into a cup and feed your angelfish fry with them.

Alternatively, you can take a bottle with a long narrow neck, fill it with vinegar from the culture until the vinegar reaches a little above halfway up the bottle’s neck.

Next, place a cotton ball down the neck of the bottle until it reaches the vinegar but doesn’t get submersed and pour some freshwater on top of the ball.

The eels will move to the freshwater migrating on top of the cotton, where you can harvest them with an eye-dropper. You can now take the vinegar eels and use them as baby angelfish food.

4. Micro Worms

micro worms are another type of live, cultured foods that make a great addition to the diet of small angelfish fry.

micro worms are 0.05 to 2.0 millimeters long, being the perfect bite-size food angelfish babies can feed on while they’re still tiny.

They’re a highly nutritional food source for that your fry will highly appreciate and once they get a taste of it, they will ravenously eat them.

To create your own micro worm culture, follow these easy steps:

  • Get an empty peanut butter jar or other jar that has a lid that you can punch some holes into;
  • Mix cornmeal (or rolled oats) and mix with water until it forms a paste;
  • Add a quarter-teaspoon of yeast and mix;
  • Place the mixture into the jar and add micro worm cultures.

In a few days, you’ll notice micro worms crawling on the inside of the jar. Scrape them off and feed them your angelfish.

Be advised that micro worm cultures smell bad, but on the flip side they do provide your fry with a good supply of nutrients they need to develop and grow.

Home Prepared Foods

There are some foods that you can prepare for your fry to add variety to their diets, especially while they’re too small to eat regular fish food.

Boiled Egg Yolk

Boiled eggs yolk is a cheap and easy fry food that you can prepare at home in a matter of minutes without having to deal with unpleasant smells caused by cultures.

Simply hard-boil and egg, remove its shell and egg white, all you’ll be needing is the yolk. Break off a small piece of the egg yolk and place it in a container with water, then shake vigorously until the egg yolk dissolves. You can also smash it into a paste.

You can place the leftover egg yolk into the refrigerator in a sealed container for later use.

Feed And Grow Fish Having Babies Pictures

You need to watch out with egg yolks and water fouling, especially if the pieces of egg yolk haven’t broken off properly, because if they won’t fit into the mouth of your fry, it will remain suspended and foul the water.

Commercial Foods

There are also some commercial food options designed for small fry:

Hikari First Bites

It’s designed both for livebearer fry and egg layer fry, and you can offer it as part of a varied diet to your angelfish babies too.

Feed And Grow Fish Free

Hikari First Bites is formulated specifically for feeding baby fish in the earliest stages of their development and includes healthy nutrients that can promote healthy organ development and disease resistance.

It also promotes proper feeding habits and it’s slow to sink to the bottom, capturing the attention of your baby angelfish fish.

Egg Yolk Powder

Feed And Grow Fish Steam

Powdered egg yolk is another great food for angelfish fry that you can sprinkle into the tank directly or mix it with water and add it to the aquarium. I recommend both options to maximize access to the food for your angelfish fry.

The powdered version of egg yolk is usually fortified with vitamins and other nutrients and it’s much smaller than freshly boiled egg yolk, so it’s more likely to fit the mouths of your angelfish juveniles.

How Often Should You Feed Angelfish Babies?

The key to rapid and healthy angelfish development is to feed them small portions frequently, so they have food in their bellies most of the time, without overfeeding them, of course.

As with feeding adult angelfish, feeding angelfish fry must be carefully monitored and balanced. You must watch out for uneaten food and remove it from the tank by performing more frequent water changes.

I recommend you start with 3-4 small feedings a day and see how they respond and whether they leave uneaten food or not.

In the first 3-4 weeks of their development, it’s best to keep angelfish babies on a live cultured foods regiment, which can jump-start their development unlike anything else.

After the first 3-4 weeks, I already start adding crushed flake food to their diet in small portions to get them used to it. If they take to it, I gradually increase their portion and add freeze-dried brine shrimp and micro worms to their diet.

When they reach 6 weeks of age, I will have switched them completely to flake foods and freeze-dried foods and pellets.

Which is the Best Food for Angelfish Fry?

In the first weeks of their development the best food for angelfish fry is undoubtedly freshly hatched brine shrimp and micro worms.

Feeding these two cultured foods to your baby angelfish will maximize their chances of survival and ensure a healthy and rapid development.

As they become a bit stronger and you start to see them developing, you can add variety to their diet with the prepared foods and commercial food options for angelfish fry that I discussed in this article.

As your angelfish grow, you can start introducing them to crushed flakes, and then finally switch them completely on regular fish foods.

Fish Having Babies In Tank

If you want to learn more about how to care for angelfish in general, please read my linked article.

Final Thoughts

Feed And Grow Fish Having Babies Naturally

Because of their small mouths, feeding angelfish fry can be more challenging than feeding livebearer fry for example.

How Much To Feed Babies

Therefore, it’s important to size the foods according to the stages of their development and pay special attention to them in the early stages, so that they get a balanced diet that will help them grow into strong, healthy fish.

Feeding baby angelfish can seem like a daunting tank at times, but with patience, attention and the proper know-how, I am confident that anyone can rise to the task.

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