Hack Para Roblox Kick Off

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May 31st, 2019
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Hack Para Kick Off Roblox

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  1. local MFrame = Instance.new('Frame')
  2. local Tiddle = Instance.new('TextLabel')
  3. local Tunda = Instance.new('TextButton')
  4. local Ban = Instance.new('TextButton')
  5. local Madwe = Instance.new('TextLabel')
  6. local Admin = Instance.new('TextButton')
  7. local Data = Instance.new('TextBox')
  8. -- Properties
  9. Kohls.Name='Kohls'
  10. MFrame.Parent= Kohls
  11. MFrame.BackgroundColor3= Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  12. MFrame.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  13. MFrame.Position= UDim2.new(0.138755977, 0, 0.139393941, 0)
  14. MFrame.Draggable=true
  15. TFrame.Name='TFrame'
  16. TFrame.BackgroundColor3= Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  17. TFrame.BorderSizePixel=2
  18. Tiddle.Parent= TFrame
  19. Tiddle.BackgroundTransparency=1
  20. Tiddle.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  21. Tiddle.TextColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  22. Tutup.Parent= TFrame
  23. Tutup.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  24. Tutup.Position= UDim2.new(0.93664664, 0, 0, 0)
  25. Tutup.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  26. Tutup.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  27. Tutup.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  28. end)
  29. Tunda.Parent= TFrame
  30. Tunda.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  31. Tunda.Position= UDim2.new(0.875305355, 0, 0, 0)
  32. Tunda.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  33. Tunda.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  34. if tunda false then
  35. MFrame:TweenSize(UDim2.new(0, 497, 0, 27),'In','Sine',1,true)
  36. Kick.Visible=false
  37. Unlock.Visible=false
  38. Admin.Visible=false
  39. Data.Visible=false
  40. tunda =true
  41. MFrame:TweenSize(UDim2.new(0, 497, 0, 289),'In','Sine',1,true)
  42. Kick.Visible=true
  43. Unlock.Visible=true
  44. Admin.Visible=true
  45. Data.Visible=true
  46. tunda =false
  47. end)
  48. Nama.Name='Nama'
  49. Nama.BackgroundColor3= Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  50. Nama.BorderSizePixel=2
  51. Nama.Position= UDim2.new(0.0824949667, 0, 0.138408303, 0)
  52. Nama.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  53. Nama.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  54. Ban.Parent= MFrame
  55. Ban.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  56. Ban.Position= UDim2.new(0.145241275, 0, 0.356401384, 0)
  57. Ban.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  58. Ban.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  59. Kick.Parent= MFrame
  60. Kick.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  61. Kick.Position= UDim2.new(0.540145934, 0, 0.356401384, 0)
  62. Kick.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  63. Kick.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  64. Madwe.Parent= MFrame
  65. Madwe.BackgroundTransparency=1
  66. Madwe.Size= UDim2.new(0, 165, 0, 29)
  67. Madwe.Text='Made By SquidCraft'
  68. Madwe.TextSize=20
  69. Unlock.Name='Unlock'
  70. Unlock.BackgroundColor3= Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  71. Unlock.BorderSizePixel=2
  72. Unlock.Position= UDim2.new(0.513078451, 0, 0.58477509, 0)
  73. Unlock.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  74. Unlock.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  75. Admin.Parent= MFrame
  76. Admin.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  77. Admin.Position= UDim2.new(0.0321931541, 0, 0.58477509, 0)
  78. Admin.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  79. Admin.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  80. Noclip.Parent= MFrame
  81. Noclip.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  82. Noclip.Position= UDim2.new(0.619718313, 0, 0.795847774, 0)
  83. Noclip.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  84. Noclip.TextColor3= Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  85. Data.Parent= MFrame
  86. Data.BorderColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  87. Data.Position= UDim2.new(0.372233391, 0, 0.795847774, 0)
  88. Data.Font= Enum.Font.SciFi
  89. Data.TextColor3= Color3.new(0.333333, 1, 0)
  90. Data.TextSize=14
  91. now = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  92. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  93. game.Workspace.Terrain.GameFolder.Admin.Pads['Touch to get admin'].Head.CFrame
  94. wait(0.2)
  95. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame= now
  96. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  97. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  98. end
  99. Noclip.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  100. Noclip.Text='Noclip (Tidak Aktif)'
  101. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants())do
  102. v.Locked=false
  103. Data.Text='Unlocked' .. v.Name
  104. end)
  105. function GetPlayer(plrname)
  106. for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  107. if plrname:lower() player.Name:sub(1,plrname:len()):lower() then
  108. end
  109. return nil
  110. local target = GetPlayer(Nama.Text)
  111. table.insert(Banned,target.Name)
  112. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Delete.delete:FireServer(target)
  113. print('Banned ! Player Name : ',Nama.Text)
  114. end)
  115. Kick.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  116. if target then
  117. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Delete.delete:FireServer(target)
  118. print('Kicked ! Player Name: ', Nama.Text)
  119. end)
  120. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  121. if Banned[i] plr.Name then
  122. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Delete.delete:FireServer(plr)
  123. end
  124. wait(1)
  125. if not game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Delete') then
  126. end
RAW Paste Data

Hack Para Roblox Kick Off 2

Kick off hack script download
Sep 13th, 2019
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. gui.Name = 'CustomizableGui'
  2. box.Name = 'Box'
  3. box.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0,300)
  4. box.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0) -- What you want the color to be in R,G,B (you can keep it as it already is)
  5. box.BackgroundTransparency = 0.60 -- What you want the transparency to be
  6. box.ScrollBarThickness = 0
  7. box.Draggable = true -- If you want the box to be draggable or not (recommended to keep true)
  8. top = Instance.new('TextLabel',box)
  9. top.Size = UDim2.new(0,320,0,25)
  10. top.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0,255,255) -- Color of the top bar
  11. top.BackgroundTransparency = .4 -- Transparency of the bar
  12. top.Font = 'SourceSans'
  13. top.Text = 'Kick Off GUI by Yanis#5565' -- Change it to what you want the top bar to say (or keep it blank)
  14. function c1(txt) -- This is a function that creates buttons!
  15. a.Name = (txt)
  16. a.Position = UDim2.new(0,15,0,pos1)
  17. a.BackgroundTransparency = 40
  18. a.Font = 'SourceSansLight'
  19. a.Text = (txt)
  20. pos1 = pos1+40
  21. end
  22. pos2 = 25
  23. local a = Instance.new('TextButton',box)
  24. a.Size = UDim2.new(0,150,0,40)
  25. a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  26. a.BorderSizePixel = 0
  27. a.FontSize = 'Size24'
  28. a.TextColor3 = Color3.new(52,72,255)
  29. return a
  30. workspace.MapHolder:GetChildren()[1].BlueGoal.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  31. workspace.MapHolder:GetChildren()[1].RedGoal.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  32. workspace.SoccerBall.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Right Leg'].Position
  33. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  34. end)
  35. prnt2.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  36. local A_2 = 'Trickshot'
  37. local A_3 = game:GetService('Workspace').SoccerBall
  38. local A_5 = Vector3.new(9.64690495, 82.8000031, -70.1397018)
  39. local A_6 = Vector3.new(25.7804337, -56.2313538, -428.990417)
  40. local A_7 = Vector3.new(34.4858704, -89.2313538, -492.285004)
  41. local Event = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').MasterKey
  42. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2, A_3, A_4, A_5, A_6, A_7)
  43. end)

Hacks Para Roblox Pc